31 Day Cleanse

“Higher than Elon Musk, so high stars eat our dusk…And I got a colorful aura like I got neon guts…dark energy we don’t touch”

– Pharrell Williams

Chef Tina Gray Chakras Breakdown Lifestyle Spirituality Blog.png

Initially, this cleanse was something I was going to do for myself but, after posting the idea on instagram a few people reached out and said they would like to join. This post is for US!

One thing I have learned in the past year is that we are spirits having a human experience. Our “aura” is the field around our physical body/frequency of spirit, which vibrates and creates an energetic field around the human body. Just like our physical body, our spirit/aura may experience and exhibit stress, fragmentation, and a loss of radiance. Spring is an excellent time to detoxify and regenerate, both body and spirit.

Here are a few steps to follow to cleanse your aura and liberate its highest potential and feel the overflow seasons after season.




To help clear the MIND over the 31 days, we aim to:

  • Really focus on mindfulness– enjoy the present moment, practice mindful eating and really pay attention to what our minds are digesting

  • Meditation – Try 10 minutes a day to start and we’ll extend time and frequency as the weeks go on. Aim to meditate at least once per day, anything more is a bonus.

  • Spend more time focusing on breathing. It’s very useful in getting the energy moving around our body and clearing our heads.

  • Journal daily – get it all out on paper and then burn it, releasing the trapped energy.

  • Declutter physical surroundings; hoarding stuff is holding us back. More space = free flowing energy.

  • Get to bed earlier, more time to rest and recover.

  • Work with crystals to help clear the mental blockages: Clear quartz, Amethyst.

  • Use essential oils to clear the cobwebs in the mind





  • Do a dietary cleanse to strip the body of the bs

  • Cut out sugar, dairy, alcohol, meats, and sex

  • Dry body brush before every shower to help remove the toxins.

  • Exercise at least 30 mins per day, even if it’s just a walk.

  • Yoga in the mornings (can find great deals on Groupon)

  • Balance chakras daily (I’ve been doing this so I plan to continue and turn it up).

  • Get a massage to help circulation (and as a treat for the hard work).

  • Turn up self care routine– homemade facials and hair masks to help your skin and hair shine


Materials needed:

  • A Journal or notebook

  • Meditation Apps (Helps tremendously)

  • Meditation Crystals (Optional)

  • Essential Oils (Optional)

  • Yoga (Optional and GREAT deals on Groupon)

For $20 The Spring Cleanse will include: A compiled clean eating recipes, a list of 3 ingredient breakfast smoothies, a list of meditations/how to meditate, and a list of materials that will help with the cleanse and a support group (cause this shit will be hard).

If you have dm’d me on a social media platform to join, please send your email in the contact us part of the website so the information can be sent to you for our March 1st start!

Chef Christina Gray

Chef Christina Gray brings her passion for food and philanthropy together to satisfy the culinary needs of the masses. Her background in Chicago’s rich delicacies and wholesome global dishes allows her to be one of the most versatile Chefs in the industry. Specializing in culturally rich healthy food, she has been able to create a movement that elicits self-reflection from the menu to the soul.



